Hey I’m Chelsea & I’m a lot of Things

As moms we wear a lot of hats. So many hats, in fact, it seems like I wear too many hats some days. No matter how many hats you wear, just know that some days it’s gonna feel exhausting just to keep them all on.

Not the inspiring message you needed to hear? Well I think it’s one that needs to be shared. Because the winds are gonna blow. And some of them are going to attempt to knock your hats off. It’s gonna be hard sometimes to balance all of the hats we wear on top of one another.

I was asked a question the other day and I’ve been going back to it during my quiet time.

“As a busy wife and mom, where do you find time for Jesus?”

And ever since I heard that question, it’s been abundantly clear. He meets me when I’m doing the dishes, when I’m working on a content strategy, or during the kids bath time. His kindness during those busy times and those still moments are so clear. Jesus meets us no matter what hat we’re wearing because He longs for a deep relationship with us. His friendship isn’t contingent upon what hat I’m wearing.

So balance your hats or don’t… just rest in knowing that Jesus is delighting in you, he’s pursuing you, and gosh darn it - He loves you.


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