It’s Time to Release Your Sound

I began working on this at church one Friday night. This was something I could not get out of my head. I decided to name this particular piece, “It’s Time to Release Your Sound”. As I finished up this digital artwork before bed, I felt like the Lord was giving me permission to draw more. People groups who have been silent (or silenced) for too long. People that we’ve forgotten to pray for. People we’ve forgotten to work with, reach out to, and seek to understand. I include myself in this. I confess that the only time I really pray for our incarcerated brothers and sisters is when I see a reminder from a friend on Instagram. Or I have a thought of “man, I need to pray for the persecuted church,” when I get a text from another friend. This isn’t a call of condemnation. This is a call to pray. Every day for our marginalized brothers and sisters. The ones who literally have to battle to make the Gospel a reality in their everyday lives. So please join me in praying for the ones who have been silenced. That God is releasing a sound that will send shockwaves from the Kingdom and it starts with the least of these.


Procreate Art