Let’s Talk Cleaning Stations

So what exactly is a cleaning station? It's simply a designated area in your home where you store all of your cleaning supplies. This can be a closet, a cabinet, or even a small shelf in a corner of your room. The important thing is that everything is neat and organized, so you know exactly where to find what you need when it's time to clean.

I have my cleaning station set up near the front of my house. In my front entryway I have this little space, i think it’s for shoe storage, but i use it for my cleaning supplies. I keep my daily cleaning caddy in there, i keep my deep cleaning caddy in there, our cleaning towels, paper towels, and our duster as well as our vacuum attachments. This central location in my home allows me, the kids, my husband  to have an easy to access spot for our cleaning supplies. As we go through our time together, be thinking of a spot in your home that could be a good cleaning station. Keep in mind any littles that you have and maybe your spot can’t be down low. 

Again having a cleaning station is great for my family and i think it’ll work great for yours too. 

Now we’re gonna jump into some benefits of having a cleaning station set up in your home start with:

Benefit 1: Saves Time

One of the biggest benefits of having a cleaning station is that it saves you time. When you have all of your cleaning supplies in one place, you don't have to waste time searching for what you need. This means you can get started cleaning right away, and be done in less time.

Benefit 2: Increases Productivity

Another benefit is that having a cleaning station increases your productivity. With all of your supplies organized and at your fingertips, you can tackle multiple cleaning tasks in one go, rather than having to stop and search for what you need each time. This can help you get more done in less time, making cleaning a more efficient process.

Benefit 3: Reduces Clutter

A cleaning station also helps reduce clutter in your home. Instead of having cleaning supplies scattered all over the place, you can store them in one neat and organized location, freeing up space and making your home feel less cluttered.

Benefit 4: Promotes Consistency

Finally, having a cleaning station can promote consistency in your cleaning routine. When you have all of your supplies in one place, it's easier to remember what you need to clean and when, making it more likely that you'll stay on top of your cleaning schedule.

If you’re looking for a to-do list, a shopping list of all of the cleaning supplies you might need in your home, and a deep dive into how to set up your cleaning station in your home, then I have a great solution for you! Head to chelseaumberger dot com/ spring cleaning to join me in a 10 week course to organize and clean your home! I’ve taken the last 6 months in developing a workbook and course to help other busy families tackle their homes and create peaceful spaces together. If you want to know more about this course, I’ll be giving you a preview and walking through the entire 10 weeks (plus the bonus goodies I have in store) with the Spring Cleaning Challenge Walk Through Webinar on February 9th at 9pm Central! When you sign up for the webinar, you’ll get my free, Last Minute Hosting Guide, perfect for when you’re hosting the Big Game or wanting to create a sweet space for your family on Valentines day. That’s chelsea umberger dot com slash spring cleaning to sign up today and learn more!

So those are just a few of the benefits of having a cleaning station in your home. Whether you're someone who loves to clean or just wants to make the process a little easier, a cleaning station is a great investment. So why not give it a try today?


Hey I’m Chelsea & I’m a lot of Things


3 Things That Keep My Life Peaceful