My 10 Mindful Reflection Questions

So hey, my name is Chelsea and I’m a wife, momma, and believer in Jesus. My husband and I got married almost 12 years ago and since then we’ve had 4 beautiful kids, 2 of whom are in heaven. I love creating peaceful spaces and simple digital designs. When I’m not behind a soundboard or a computer, you can usually catch me making a delicious meal or playing The Legend of Zelda. We currently live in the midwest and are loving our sweet life here. 

To many, peaceful spaces represent a place where they can feel calm, relaxed, and free from stress and distractions. This can be a physical location, such as a park or a quiet room, or a mental state achieved through meditation on the Word of God or mindfulness. The idea of peaceful spaces is often associated with a sense of tranquility, serenity, and stillness that allows one to connect with themselves and find inner peace.

I’ve always longed for peaceful spaces in my life. A little nook here or there for me to decompress and breathe. Since becoming a mother, I’ve realized that for my kids, I truly am the thermostat to set the peacefulness in my home. Working in tandem with Evan, we are the peacemakers of our home. Once we moved, we’ve been working on restful rhythms and creating those peaceful spaces for each other and our children. 

The majority of creating a peaceful home has been establishing routines. It has come through some trial and error and we’re still growing in those routines but I’m glad that we’re reaching to create these peaceful spaces in our home and our spheres of influence.

Since September, what I’ve done is start small. I asked myself, what is one area that I can bring peace to today? Sometimes that’s organizing a closet, sometimes it’s playing a game with the kids and being fully enveloped in what they’re doing… Other times, it looks like resting.

If you’re wanting to create these peaceful spaces in your life, I would say that the first step is to seek the Lord and ask where You can let Him in to bring peace. 

This reflection has been driven by 10 questions I’ve asked myself and continue to ask myself about every 90 days. Reflection questions can be powerful tools for personal growth and self-awareness, and can help bring peace to your home by allowing you to understand and address the root causes of conflicts or stress. Here are some reflection questions that you can ask yourself to help bring peace to your home:

  1. What are my triggers for conflict or stress in my home environment?

  2. How do my actions contribute to the conflicts or stress in my home?

  3. How can I better communicate my needs and boundaries with my family members?

  4. How can I practice empathy and understanding towards my family members?

  5. What are my expectations for my home environment and how realistic are they?

  6. How do I handle disagreements or conflicts with my family members?

  7. What are some steps I can take to create a more peaceful home environment?

  8. How can I show gratitude and appreciation for my family members?

  9. What role does forgiveness play in bringing peace to my home?

  10. What can I do to support and nurture my relationships with my family members?

Remember, reflection is a continuous process, and these questions are not meant to be answered overnight. Take your time and be gentle with yourself as you reflect on your thoughts and behaviors. 

I would encourage you to take the weekend and journal through some of these reflection questions. 

This is just the starting point. A place where you can start and ask yourself these questions and seek the Lord’s wisdom on how to create peaceful spaces in your life. Just before Jesus ascends into heaven he says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This scripture is the launching point into our longing for peace in this fallen world. We get to become peacemakers when we partner with God’s peace. And, through the help of the Holy Spirit, we can change the atmospheres of our home and spheres of influence. 


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