Last Minute Hosting? Here’s What I Do To Prep [Holiday Hosting #1]

TL;DR: I have a Last Minute Hosting Checklist and you can download that here. If you wanna read on about how I prep with the checklist, then read on!

So this isn’t necessarily “last minute” but this one Thursday we were asked to host about 10-15 folks for lunch and to watch the Chiefs game… 2 days later. We also had family in from out of town that left Sunday morning so as you can tell… we were in a bit of a rush to get everything ready.

Keeping my house tidy, yet realistically lived in, is one thing that I feel like I’m good at. Yes, your home should feel lived in when you’re hosting guests and yet at the same time… there really shouldn’t be toothpaste in the sink. (Don’t come for the toothpaste in the sink… my kiddos are still learning.)

Getting ready for a last minute host should be an all hands on deck situation. Many hands make light work and when you are wanting things to be prepped in a timely manner that means every hand counts.

Some prep has to happen the night before -

We load the dishwasher, clean the kitchen, and take out the trash -

Having a clean clean clean kitchen to host in is a big. freaking. deal. This is probably one of the easiest things to do and yet will be the one that takes the longest. Inevitably there will be that one pot or pan that you turn around and see on the stove and think to yourself GAH! WHAT THE HECK MAN. (Or at least that’s what I do when that happens to me. You might be calmer.) This process is obviously expedited when you have someone to help dry the handwashing or any other task that needs to be done. Clear off and wipe down all of your kitchen/ serving surfaces. Every surface in your kitchen will be used for something so it’s best to make sure that there’s not something sticky on your counter or dining table.

I restock the kitchen paper goods -

Nothing says party foul like having a mountain of dishes at the end of your party. I’ll pull out a couple of platters and trays to host party snacks on but everything else is plastic or paper. This restocking includes paper plates, bowls, napkins, cups, and plastic forks and knives.

I prep as much food as possible -

Luckily, I signed up for rotisserie chicken and chips and queso so I don’t really have to prep a ton at night… but if you’re making a charcuterie board or a veggie/ fruit platter, I would go a head and chop everything tonight and get it into containers. Also - STOCK YOUR DRINKS. If you’re wanting folks to have a cold beverage then get them in the fridge tonight. I keep sodas and gatorades in the garage fridge but loading them up the night before gets that off your checklist and ensures that your beverages are nice and chilly when you’re ready to party. Then you tidy up your kitchen one more time. Above all else, that kitchen is sparkling when you go to bed.

Then you go to bed. No one likes a cranky hostess.

Depending on what time your event starts (Mine was around 1pm), you need to wake up and start the next day process asap as possible.

Clean the bathroom -

Our hallway bathroom is the kiddo’s so that means we’ve gotta make sure that the potty is cleaned, the TP is stocked, and there’s a fresh hand towel. (Also the toothpaste in the sink… can’t forget about the toothpaste.) I keep a wax warmer in there as well so once the sink is wiped down, toilet is clean, floor is swept and mopped, and towel is swapped out, I’ll flick that on.

Straighten up the living room -

Usually things get put away before bedtime in the living room but let’s be realistic here, sometimes it’s not. Especially on the weekends. So we usually just have the kiddos grab whatever they’ve left, like a book or the Switch controllers and put it away. We fold any throw blankies, fluff any pillows (that’s Evan’s favorite job, not really), and then we wipe down any surfaces. After that, it’s a quick sweep and a quick vacuum and the living room is good to go.

By this point everything is looking good to go. I’ll start setting out food about 15 minutes before everyone gets there just to make sure it’s ready for any early birds! You may also wanna put on some tunes and light some candles (depending on if you’re hosting with littles).

To help alleviate any stress with last minute holiday hosting, here’s my Last Minute Hosting Checklist that will help you check the boxes with ease. It’s designed by zones so you have an idea of what areas of your home will be a breeze and which ones will need a little extra TLC.

cleaning station equipped with home cleaning supplies


Just Some Scriptures -


My Mornings