Plans, Preps, & Progress

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times, cook at home. I’m definitely not a registered dietitian or nutritionist but I can tell a difference in the way I feel when we’re consistently making good choices and eating at home. I don’t really have any other way to put it. I know it seems so overwhelming to sort through recipes, come up with grocery lists, and then chop and prep the food but I can tell you from the last 6 months of consistent plans and preps, I am seeing progress! 

The Importance of Meal Planning

Why should we be meal planning in the first place? Well, there are several benefits to it, including saving time, money, and helping you maintain a healthy diet. By taking the time to plan out your meals, you can ensure that you have the right ingredients on hand, reducing the chances of having to make last-minute trips to the grocery store or ordering takeout. This not only saves you time, but also saves you money, as you're less likely to buy unnecessary items or overspend. 

The Benefits of Meal Prepping

One of the biggest benefits of meal prepping is that it helps you control what you eat. When you have pre-made meals on hand, you're less likely to reach for junk food or fast food. This can lead to a healthier diet, as well as improved weight management and energy levels. Here are a few tips to help you make meal prepping a success:

  1. Keep it simple: Don't try to make elaborate meals for the week. Stick to simple, healthy ingredients that can be easily portioned out and reheated.

  2. Invest in good containers: Invest in good, reusable containers to store your prepped meals. This will help keep them fresh and prevent leaks.

  3. Variety is key: Try to mix things up each week so you don't get bored. Experiment with different recipes and ingredients to keep meal prepping interesting. [A,B,C week of recipes to keep consistent ingredients on hand but adding variety to our monthly meals]

  4. Plan for leftovers: Make extra food when cooking so you have leftovers for the week. This can save you time and reduce food waste. For us, without fail, Monday nights are grilled chicken nights. I make enough grilled chicken at home for us to have for dinner AND for us to have for lunches throughout the week. 

The Advantages of Cooking at Home

So, why is cooking at home beneficial? Cooking at home allows you to control what you eat and the ingredients that go into your food. This can lead to a healthier diet, as you can choose fresh, whole foods and avoid processed foods that are high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats.

So let’s talk about progress. This obviously isn’t going to happen overnight. You’re not going to be a meal prepping machine, day 1 starting out of the gate. A good friend of mine says that it takes “tiny tweaks” in order to make progress. Back in September, my husband and I made the decision to make “tiny tweaks” in our lives for the betterment of our health. We know that taking these small but faithful steps will not only have a positive impact on us, but our kiddos as well!

I created a whole Health and Wellness section in my Peaceful Spaces Planner complete with weekly meal planner and grocery list section to make sure that all of our daily meals are ready to go. You get access to this little gem in my upcoming course The Peaceful Spaces Spring Cleaning Challenge and you can learn more when you go to


Spring Cleaning? Let’s Do This.


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