Something Different

This may not be what you’re used to. Usually I pop on here and write about how to keep your house tidy or to give you advice on how to bring peace to your space. And that’s it. My goal with this blog was to give you something brief. Digestible. To make the thought of keeping a house a little less overwhelming. 

I’ve been wondering what to do with some of my content… Should I keep going down the road of keeping house and home organizing and all of that? Well, to be totally honest, that’s not all of who I am. And I kinda feel like I want to share more of who I am versus just one aspect of who I am.

Back in September, when I asked the Lord how to set restful rhythms I felt like He was wanting to co-create peaceful spaces in our home and spheres of influence. And something that the majority of you might know is that I’m a working mom. I help people tell their stories in the digital world. As a digital designer I work with video, graphic design, and copywriting to help get the word out about how awesome a person or company is. Currently one of my clients has labeled me a digital evangelist because each week I share a bible study, focusing on one aspect of walking in the Christian faith. It’s really cool to see how many people we’re reaching with a simple message of I Love You each week and honestly the Lord has breathed so much life into that. It’s genuinely nothing that I could do physically to make that reach happen. 

And that’s kinda where I want to start is with this sphere. I’m sharing content on different platforms and my hope is that I’m able to make that sphere of my influence a more peaceful space. You may think of social media as this place to connect with friends and family, to share glimpses of your life (no matter how you choose to frame it). Other folks see it as an opportunity to jump on and well… I don't even have to say much more. We all know what I’m talking about. 

We’ve seen this huge jump of mental health issues associated with the use of social media for our teens and young adults. I think a lot of us jump on this train of “well just get off of social media then”. And that’s great. I think that for those of us that are 30 + we could very easily give it up because we didn’t grow up with it. But my thought is… what if we didn’t. What if as the older generation (and yes millennials, we are getting older), we took this as an opportunity to be mothers and fathers and start to shepherd these generations? What if we took on that title of digital evangelist and loved people where they congregated. What if we decided that we were going to share messages of love, hope, and mercy all through this small screen?

I used to have a TikTok account. Got it back in 2020 because it’s what we were doing and I thought like wow. This is great! There’s so many funny people out there in the world and they get to broadcast who they are to the world. And then it became weird. Like as I was scrolling scrolling scrolling, I just became more of a sad person. It wasn’t that the content that I was watching was necessarily sad… but every once in a while there’d be content that would have me second guessing a lot of what I thought about mental health and stuff. But one day as I was scrolling I stopped on this kid who wanted to take 10 seconds to pray. He did the whole thing “whoa! Stop scrolling!” you know, and bam. We were praying. And my heart like was filled with so much faith in that moment. If a kid, probably like 10 years younger than me was jumping on this app to get people to pray with him… like how many people are feeling the presence of God for the first time in their lives? What if the first time they encountered the Lord was on TikTok?

Now to also be super realistic, as someone who is chronically online, I know that it’s unrealistic to have every single post or update that you share be about the Lord. I really do get that. Go to my Instastories right now and I can guarantee you you’re gonna see a reel or something dumb that I shared because it made me laugh. And I feel like with that there’s a balance right? We wanna share things we think are funny, we want to share things we think are cute… I think that’s absolutely wonderful. But what if we also took the opportunity to, let’s say, once a week, to talk about an aspect of our walk with Jesus? Like a simple struggle that you may have had and then show how Jesus is walking you through it? 

We’ve got to think about these digital platforms as opportunities to share the love of Jesus. This is just one sphere of influence that we have that can help us bring peace. In Matthew 5 verse 9, we’re right in the middle of the Beatitudes and Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” What if we became peacemakers on these platforms? Instead of bouncing from social media or calling it out in a negative way, we can step out on these platforms and share love. 


Digital Evangelism


To Keep or Not to Keep