To Keep or Not to Keep

We've all been there - that moment when you look around your house and realize you have too much stuff. It can be overwhelming to know where to start and what to let go of, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode, I’ll give you some tips on how to make the process of decluttering easier.

First and foremost, you need to determine what is essential in your life.

These are the things that you use or wear regularly or have sentimental value to you. This will make the process of decluttering less overwhelming, and you'll have an easier time letting go of things that are not essential. Move room to room and look around with your phone or a notepad handy. This might sound a little crass… but think about what you would grab if there was an emergency and you had to leave the house immediately and you couldn’t come back. What would you grab? For me, it’s the canvas that was painted during my son’s celebration of life. If you ask my daughter… she’d probably say her “floppy ears”. 

Next, decide what you can sell or donate.

These are the items that are still in good condition, but you no longer use or need. You can sell these items online or donate them to a charity or thrift store. This is a great way to declutter your home and help others in need at the same time. When I see my house bursting at the seams, I know it’s time for a garage sale. I will set things out and price them to sell. I’ll set up my driveway into sections home goods and decor, kids clothes and toys, and then miscellaneous items. If by 2pm things haven’t moved, they get loaded into the back of my car and to Goodwill they go. Nothing goes back into the house. It took all that effort to get it out, I might as well carry it the rest of the way.

As you go through your belongings, ask yourself a few questions.

Does it serve a purpose?

Do you use it or wear it regularly?

Does it have sentimental value?

If you answer no to all three of these questions, it's probably time to let go of it. Now, I'm not telling you to get rid of your sentimental items. A lot of heartache can come from decluttering if you “rip the bandaid off” too soon. So take your time and have a plan for when you come across something that you can’t let go of.

Another thing to consider is the amount of space you have.

If you're living in a small apartment or house, you'll need to be more selective about what you keep. You'll need to prioritize your essential items and let go of things that don't fit in your space.

It can also be helpful to break the decluttering process into small, manageable steps. You can start by decluttering one room at a time or by tackling one category of items, such as clothes or books. This can make the process feel less overwhelming and more achievable.

Finally, try to be mindful of your shopping habits moving forward.

Be intentional about what you bring into your home and only buy things that you need or truly love. This will help you avoid accumulating too much stuff in the future.


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